June 23, 2011

I’ve been thinking about what I want to tell you and I’ve finally decided it’s this: Henry and I were out walking a few days ago and we saw a German Shepherd sitting on the roof of a house looking enormously pleased with himself. He stared down at Henry and me and let out a single, kingly woof. For the next several blocks, Henry kept stopping and turning and looking back. It was pretty clear what he was thinking: was that a German Shepherd? On the roof? What the heck?

The next night, I dreamed of the dog on the roof. He was looking down at me and I was looking up at him. There was a small, thin moon glowing in the sky above the dog’s head and I could smell lilacs even though I couldn’t see them.
I walked away, but like Henry, I kept turning back: to make sure of what I had seen. The smell of lilacs was everywhere. And I thought: this is a good dream; I should be happy.

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