August 30, 2011

I like tickets. Train tickets and state fair tickets and movie tickets. I save them. I wish there were more tickets. I wish they issued tickets for the first time you rode a bike on your own, and tickets for the first day of school. I would like to have a ticket for the first kiss. And the second. And the third.
I wish there were tickets for nights when the sky was so bright with stars that I felt knocked sideways by all that faraway light. I want a ticket for the first time I sat down and wrote something, a ticket for every time I said I was sorry and really, truly meant it. I want a ticket for every love, big and small, a ticket for when I left home and a ticket for when I came back. I want a ticket for the last time I held my mother’s hand.
I want to be reminded.
I want to never forget.
I want a ticket for that.

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