September 1, 2011

My brother Curt and I both loved Charles Schulz’s Peanuts when we were growing up. Every Christmas for the last few years, Curt has given me a volume from The Complete Peanuts. Right now, I’m making my way through 1969 to 1970. It’s a wonderful year. There are a lot of strips featuring Snoopy as a writer. And each one of them has provided with me a peculiar kind of comfort during this rewriting process. In one strip, Snoopy goes to mail his completed novel and can’t reach the mailbox. As a short person, this speaks to me. I dream, often, of not being able to reach things.
All of which is to say that here in Rewrite Land, the doubting continues.
But . . . Linus comes along and mails Snoopy’s manuscript for him.
Which is to say that the hoping continues here, too.

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