October 27, 2011

My fingers hurt.
This is because I am rewriting (again); and I rewrite novels by starting over from the beginning.
So, when someone asks me for advice on revising or rewriting or editing, I always say: start over, start at the beginning. Generally, this piece of advice is met with a look of dismay bordering on horror. It is only in the last year that a friend helped me to understand that I am phrasing my advice incorrectly.
I don’t mean: ditch the draft that came before and start from scratch.
I do mean: retype.
As in retype the whole thing, from the beginning. Yes. I know. This is time-consuming (and sometimes it makes your fingers ache). But by retyping you find small errors, large inconsistencies. It’s easier to mark your progress. Plus, retyping is physical; there is a rhythm to it that allows your brain to check out and your subconscious to check in.
That, at least, is my experience.
The picture is of me at three years old, typing. Or retyping.

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