Yesterday, I sat on the back steps with Henry and ate a peach. It was a very good peach and I shared some of it with Henry; and then I put the peach pit on the top steps and went off to move the sprinkler and when I came back, a gigantic moth was perched on top of what remained of the peach. I have never seen such a big moth. He was dusty brown with purple spots on his wings and as he worked on the peach, his wings moved up and down in a thoughtful and deeply pleased way, as if he were saying: so much sweetness, so much sweetness.
I was going to get the camera and take a picture of him, but I thought it would maybe be better if I just sat and admired him. And I did that for a long time. The sprinkler moved back and forth, and back and forth and Henry slept stretched out in a patch of sun on the sidewalk.
Since I did not take a picture of the moth, I have included here a picture of my friend, Max, posing as a monarch butterfly.
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