I’ve been sick and being sick reminds me of being a kid, because I was sick all the time when I was a kid.
Last night, I was lying on the bathroom floor and I thought: why does lying on the bathroom floor give me so much comfort?
I had fevers a lot when I was a kid and it was usually the middle of the night when I decided that I needed to go and lay my cheek against the tile of the bathroom floor to cool down.
The dog (Nanette, a standard poodle) and my mother would come and sit with me in the bathroom. Nanette would let me hold her paw and my mother would sing to me.
My mother was a lousy singer.
But she was good, no-nonsense company, and after awhile, I would fall asleep.
When I woke up, my mother was still there, and the dog’s paw was still in my hand.
I was safe.
Here is a picture of me with Nanette.
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