I have often said that the only part of writing that is easy for me is character names. For some reason, that I have never truly understood, names just pop into my head.
Some of them are odd (Despereaux) and some of them make me laugh (India Opal Buloni) and some of them are run-of-the-mill (Edward Tulane, Flora Belle Buckman) but sound just right to my ear and my heart.
All of this is to say that I learned a word yesterday.
The word is “eldritch” and I had never before seen it in my life.
I had to look it up in the dictionary.
According to the American Heritage it means “strange or unearthly; weird.”
So now I have been walking around thinking, “Eldritch, Eldritch, what a word. If Eldritch is someone’s first name, what would their last name be? Eldritch Carter.”
And Eldritch Carter would have to be strange, wouldn’t he?
And I bet you he would have a story to tell.
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Original Post

February 27, 2014
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