July 22, 2014

Things I saw (and heard) on an early morning walk:
A squirrel who had found a part of a peanut butter sandwich and was out of his mind with joy.
Monarchs, hollyhocks, lilies, Russian sage.
An old woman walking a big black dog.
“Hold up, Alfred,” the woman said to the dog. “I can’t go that fast anymore.”
The black dog sat down and waited for her.
Morning glories.
Words chalked on the sidewalk: The End.
Bumblebees. Lots of them.
More monarchs.
A little girl standing in line at the donut shop, holding her father’s hand.
Little girl: “But Daddy, what if they run out?”
Father: “They won’t run out, sweetie. I promise.”
More words chalked on the sidewalk: The Beginning.

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