February 23, 2016

I was up north at a friend’s cabin over the weekend.
On Friday, I took a long walk by myself.
The skies were grey.
I saw no cars, no people.
And then, right before I got back to the cabin, a deer crossed the road in front of me.
And then another deer.
And then came a third.
The third deer stopped in the middle of the road and looked in my direction.
“I see you,” I said out loud.
Her ears twitched.
She stared at me.
And then slowly, very slowly, she continued across the road and went into the woods.
Later in the day, I walked out on the frozen lake with friends.
The sun made a sudden, glorious appearance.
And that night before I fell asleep, I thought: I am grateful for the frozen lake. I am grateful for the walk alone and the walk with friends. I am grateful for the third deer, and the sudden sun.

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