October 5, 2017

I came home from my trip abroad to find lots of letters waiting for me.
One letter was from a third grader named Ponsie.
Her class read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane together, out loud.
“When I was listening,” Ponsie writes in her letter, “I almost cried. It was so sweet but yet so sad. I can’t imagine what it would be like to go through all of that. To fall off a ship. To have been loved by a lot of people. To see someone you love die. I loved this book.”
Ponsie, I have to tell you that your letter made me cry.
Have I mentioned that I love this job?
I love this job.
Thank you, Ponsie.
And thank you, too, for the very fine rendering of a bunny you included at the end of your letter.

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