July 29, 2020

Whenever I’ve worn this Harry the Dirty Dog t-shirt, people (young and old) have gone out of their way to tell me how much they love the book, how they remember someone reading it to them, or how much fun it is to read the book to their kids or grandkids or students.
So when I unearthed the shirt recently, I thought: here’s something that would be good to wear now.
I put it on and went for a walk, and within 3 blocks of the house, a woman called out to me: “Is that Harry the Dirty Dog on your shirt?”
“Yes,” I called back.
“I love that book,” she said. “I read it, oh probably 10,737 times to my kids.”
“Yep,” I said.
“It never got old,” she said.
“Nope,” I said.
“It makes me happy just to think about it,” she said.
“I get it,” I said.
There you have it: the power of Harry the Dirty Dog–the power of reading aloud.
And can I just say?
Now is a really good time to read someone you love a story.

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