October 13, 2021

On an early morning walk with Ramona.
Young girl: (clearly on her way to school): Wait. Are you the person who writes books?
Me: Happily, I am one of the people who writes books.
Girl: What?
Me: Yes, I write books.
Girl: Good. I want to ask you a question.
Me: Okay.
Girl: This is important.
Me: Okay. I’m listening.
Girl: Do you ever, like, put a book under your pillow?
Me: When I’m sleeping?
Girl: Yes!
Me: I guess I do it metaphorically.
Girl: What’s that mean?
Me: It means I read right before I go to sleep and then sometimes I dream the book.
Girl: (nods seriously) Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.
Me: It’s great when that happens, isn’t it?
Girl: It’s the best.
Me: Okay. Have a good day at school. Keep reading. Keep dreaming.
Girl: You, too. You do that, too.
Me: I will.

Can I just say?
This conversation was a perfect way to start the day.

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