April 26, 2023

Three times now in airport security lines, I have asked parents struggling with strollers, diaper bags, suitcases and babies if I can help—and each time what happened is that I was handed a baby to hold.
I’m amazed that people trust me enough to hand me their child
And I’m filled with wonder each time it happens.
It happened again, this past weekend as I was on my way to L.A. for the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books.
At the festival, I got to connect with so many passionate readers. As I signed books, and talked with kids and adults, I kept thinking of the baby I had held in the airport.
I thought: this is the same feeling—it’s the surprise and wonder of someone trusting you enough to let you tell them a story, to hold them in your arms for just a moment.
What an honor it is.
Thank you.

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