Last week, in a signing line at the American Library Association conference:
Librarian: my daughter loves The Beatryce Prophecy.
Me: Oh, thank her for me. How old is she?
Librarian: She’s ten. She particularly likes the goat.
Me: Answelica.
Librarian: Yes, Answelica. My daughter wants you to know that when she goes to sleep at night, she imagines Answelica standing by the bed, keeping watch over her. It comforts her.
Me: Oh (tearing up). Tell her I can’t think of a higher compliment.
I keep thinking about all the interactions I had with librarians and teachers and readers—everyone who works to get books into the hands of children.
I want you to know that when I go to sleep, I imagine all of you–you defenders of books–keeping watch.
It comforts me.
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