March 20, 2012

I took this picture of two chairs last week, and I’ve sent it to a lot of friends with the caption “Two Chairs Having an Argument.” Which I thought was pretty funny. But then I started looking at the chairs, at how the one chair had turned its back on the other, at all that distance between them. I started thinking about how stuck the chairs were, how immovable, and the photograph became something lonely and kind of sad.
Maybe it’s because I’m kind of an old chair myself, and I don’t want to feel that distance between me and the people I love. I don’t want, anymore, to turn away. I want to turn toward. By which I meant that I want to sit on the same side of the street with those I love, arm to arm and leg to leg. I don’t want to argue. I want to sit side by side and watch the world go by and marvel.

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