June 16, 2015

I was in Alaska last week.
I ran into a lot of bears.
Bears always make me think of Miss Franny Block.
In Because of Winn-Dixie, Miss Franny Block tells Opal the story of the bear who came into her library and left with a book. She finishes by saying that everyone who remembers those days, that incident, is dead, and that all of her friends are gone.
Opal responds by saying, “We could be friends . . . I mean you and me and Winn-Dixie, we could all be friends.”
“Why that would be grand,” says Miss Franny Block in response.
I met so many fabulous readers in Alaska.
I feel like I made friends.
Books can do that–turn strangers into friends.
Isn’t that grand?
Thank you, Alaska.

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