November 24, 2015

I made my way home from Savannah last Saturday. I had a connecting flight in Charlotte, North Carolina, and I had just enough time to go to the bathroom before we boarded.It was late at night and I was tired and I wanted to be home and I was thinking about everything I needed to do once I got there.And then something miraculous happened: I was standing at the sink in the bathroom, washing my hands, when the woman who was mopping the floor started to sing.I didn’t know the song, but the word “Hallelujah” appeared in it again and again and again. The woman’s voice was beautiful, otherworldly. It echoed in that small space. It bounced off the tile floors and the stainless steel doors. I stopped washing my hands. I stood there. I held very still. And then I started to cry.I cried because I was tired. I cried because I wanted to go home. I cried because I could have missed that song, but somehow I didn’t miss it.I got to hear it.Hallelujah. I got to hear that song.

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