Tag: aloud
February 27, 2024
On Saturday, I was with 500-plus educators at Anderson’s Children’s Literature breakfast in Chicago. I got a chance to talk one-on-one with many teachers and librarians. Again and again, I got to hear about the beauty and power of reading a story aloud. Reading a story to a classroom makes everyone feel less alone, more…
March 22, 2022
I’ve been thinking a lot about comfort lately—where to find it, how to give it. I recently received a letter from a fifth-grade teacher who said that she has always read aloud in the classroom; but that this year, she has doubled her read-aloud time. “The kids need the comfort of it, and I need…
November 3, 2020
Last week, I received letters from several different teachers about reading aloud to their students during these times—reading aloud with a mask on, reading aloud over the computer, reading aloud at a social distance. As one teacher said, “You think, each time, that the magic won’t work, can’t work, and then it works. We come…
January 16, 2020
This is a shout-out to teachers and librarians, parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, big brothers and older sisters, neighbors and friends—to all you people who take the time to read aloud to someone. Again and again, as people come through the line to get their books signed, they tell me how someone read a…
January 31, 2019
A teacher came through the signing line in Charlotte, North Carolina and told me that she had read 5 of my novels out loud to her class that year. “Thank you,” I said. “It matters so much, that reading aloud.” The teacher said, “I don’t do it for them, and I don’t do it for…