Tag: amy
September 5, 2019
Look at this! Raymie’s story, Louisiana’s story, Beverly’s story—all in one box–each girl’s face, each girl’s heart, captured beautifully by artist Amy June Bates. Three good friends. It makes me so happy to see them here. Together. Reactions: Carol Klapste and 2.6K others Comments: 87 Original Post
January 16, 2019
I can’t stop looking at Amy June Bates’ stunning art for Beverly, Right Here. Louisiana Elefante grabbed me by the shoulders and insisted that I listen to her and write it all down. But writing about Beverly Tapinski was a very different experience. I had to be quiet. I had to wait. I had to…
March 15, 2018
This is Louisiana Elefante. This is her story. And this is the cover of the book (with art by the marvelous Amy June Bates) that tells her story. Can I tell you how happy this makes me? Can I tell you how happy it makes Louisiana? She will get to tell you her story in…