Tag: artwork
August 5, 2020
I received this Edward Tulane art over 13 years ago. I taped it up in the closet in my office. I see it every time I open the door to get out more paper, pens, the postal scale. I don’t know if you can read the writing above the drawing. It says: “When he flys”…
March 16, 2017
I went to the Candlewick offices when I was in Boston last week, and I found this artwork hanging on the wall. Can you see it? Do you recognize it? It is Timothy Basil Ering’s original art depicting Desperaux as he considers his descent to the dungeon. Tim’s art–the darkness, the light, the heart and…
September 15, 2015
I was at the Kerlan collection at the University of Minnesota last week, and Clement Hurd’s artwork for Goodnight, Moon was laid out on a table. I spent a long time just standing and staring in wonder at it all. That moon! Those stars! Here, spread out before me was something mythic, magical. Through Hurd’s…
April 4, 2013
One of the best things about receiving a letter from a kid is that artwork often (usually) comes along with it. For instance, here is a picture of Edward Tulane with wings by a third-grader named Ian. I have had Ian’s art hanging in my office for the last month or so. Every time I…