Tag: aunt
November 11, 2020
I was out walking Ramona when a child (nine or ten years old maybe) on the opposite side of the street called out to me and said, “Do you know my Aunt Linda?” “Your Aunt Linda?” I said. “I don’t think so.” “She lives in Arizona,” said the kid. “I don’t think I know her,…
September 2, 2014
As I was leaving my Aunt Ann’s apartment building, she stuck her head into the cab and said to the driver, “Drive carefully. She’s precious to me.” “What?” said the cab driver. “it’s fine,” I said to Aunt Ann. “He’ll be careful.” We pulled away. “She’s my aunt,” I said to the cab driver. “She…
August 28, 2014
I leave for Washington, D.C. today. I will be at the Takoma Park Library on Friday night (http://www.takomapark.info/…/children/archives/003527.html). And on Saturday, I will be at the National Book Festival from 10 am to noon (http://www.loc.gov/bookfest/). Since Leroy Ninker is just out, I will get to talk about the small cowboy, and his horse. The horse’s…
February 7, 2013
This is a picture of my Aunt Ann reading Bink and Gollie Two for One. I know that she would not be pleased with this photo (she is wearing her glasses and she does not like to be seen in her glasses), but I love the picture and keep coming back to it. I like…
August 16, 2012
Can I tell you another story about my Aunt Ann? Twenty-five years ago, I took the train from Florida to Washington D.C. to visit her; and she took me to see the National Cathedral. When I got home, I rolled a note card into my typewriter and wrote her a thank you note. I described…
July 31, 2012
I spent the weekend with my Aunt Ann. She is eighty-two years old; and on the last night of our visit, she taught me how to twirl my spaghetti on a spoon. She said, “This is how my father, your grandfather, ate his spaghetti. You need to learn how to do this, too.” I said,…