Tag: book
September 12, 2023
One day many years ago, an eight-year old boy said to me, “Aunt Kate, I’ve got a great idea for a book. It’s the story of a unlikely hero with exceptionally large ears.” That unlikely hero became a small mouse named Despereaux, and that eight-year old boy is now a grownup. I would like to…
August 1, 2023
It takes a lot of people to make a book. I am so happy to reveal the cover for Orris and Timble, the Beginning. The art is by Carmen Mok. The design is by Pam Consolazio. The story is written by me and edited by Andrea Tompa. The four of us worked together to bring…
September 23, 2022
Join Kate and Bookelicious for the launch of their very first My First Book Club virtual meeting, for classrooms! Sign up details and costs are included on their site: https://www.bookelicious.com/…/the-best-student-book…/ Reactions: 190 Comments: 14 Original Post
August 23, 2022
Joan Aiken’s The Wolves of Willoughby Chase is a book that I re-read every couple of years. I don’t remember how I discovered it, but I do remember that the first time I read it, I was in seventh grade and I loved it so much that I recommended it to my English teacher—Mrs. Baird.…
July 26, 2022
One of the most miraculous things about books is how they make you feel less alone. Because of books, I have become friends with people I may never have otherwise met. One of those people is Ann Patchett. Last week I visited Ann in Nashville, and the two of us did an event at her…