Tag: books
October 24, 2023
In the airport last weekend: I was sitting and reading a book (an advance copy of a novel entitled Sandwich by Catherine Newman) and I kept laughing out loud. The woman sitting next to me said, “It must be a great book if it can make you laugh like that.” I said, “It’s wonderful. It…
July 25, 2023
Excited to say that I am hitting the road this fall to talk about books and meet you readers. Here is a list of confirmed events, please reach out to the hosts with questions about signing up virtually or attending in person. Huge thanks to the stores, libraries, and literacy organizations that are hosting! Events…
July 4, 2023
Last week, in a signing line at the American Library Association conference: Librarian: my daughter loves The Beatryce Prophecy. Me: Oh, thank her for me. How old is she? Librarian: She’s ten. She particularly likes the goat. Me: Answelica. Librarian: Yes, Answelica. My daughter wants you to know that when she goes to sleep at…
April 5, 2023
Yesterday, I walked past two kids standing in front of a Little Free Library. “Hmmm, let’s see,” said the older one. “This one is good. And so is this one.” He handed the younger kid two books. “Yeah,” said the younger one. “But I can’t read them.” “Duh, I know,” said the older one. “That’s…
March 6, 2023
Friends, we have some really exciting things to share this week. Not one, not two, but THREE Kate books are coming this fall. ALL WILL BE REVEALED (and yes, that’s a clue to one of them!) on this page this week. Follow along as we grow your TBR pile! Reactions: 4.2K Comments: 149 Original Post