Tag: chair
December 2, 2014
It snowed Thanksgiving night. In the morning, the world was layered in white, and I went for a walk and discovered a chair sitting on a street corner. I stopped and considered it. How many Thanksgivings has this chair seen? What conversations has it overheard? How many people have sat in it and rested their…
April 22, 2014
I was in college when I decided that I wanted to be a writer, but it wasn’t until I was thirty years old that I started writing. I’ve been at it for twenty years now. Last week, I went to a writer’s retreat. I did most of my writing in this red chair. Each morning,…
March 20, 2012
I took this picture of two chairs last week, and I’ve sent it to a lot of friends with the caption “Two Chairs Having an Argument.” Which I thought was pretty funny. But then I started looking at the chairs, at how the one chair had turned its back on the other, at all that…