Tag: child
November 14, 2019
In the Atlanta airport last Saturday night, I walked past a father reading out loud to his four young kids. One child was sitting in his lap. Another one was leaning against him. A third was at his feet with her head on a backpack and a fourth child was sitting in the chair beside…
November 12, 2019
At YALLFEST in Charleston last Friday, at a signing with Blue Bicycle Bookshop, a boy came through the line with his mother and handed me a battered paperback copy of Because of Winn-Dixie. Mother (to the child): Did you want to tell her something, honey? Boy shakes his head. Me: You don’t have to say…
June 6, 2019
“Remember when everybody is together at the end and the king makes a speech and tells Despereaux that he is the bravest mouse he has ever known? That is my favorite part of the story.” Those words are from an 8 year old. As far as I can recall, that moment did not happen in…
June 26, 2018
On an early morning walk: A mother and her young (four or five years old) child go past me. Mother (turning back): Wait, you’re Kate. Aren’t you Kate? Me: I am! I am Kate! Mother (to her child): Honey, this is the lady who wrote the Mercy Watson books. Child: Oh. Mother: (to child) You…
February 9, 2017
Over the weekend, I was out walking, and it was cold and cloudy, and I was picking my way over the ice when I saw a very young boy (no more than four years old), walking toward me. He was carrying a cake in his outstretched arms. He was concentrating. When he passed by me,…
September 10, 2015
I’m on an airplane. The seat in front of me is occupied by a four-year-old girl. She is looking out the window. She says, “Where are we, Daddy? Ohio? Pennsylvania? Indiana? Michigan?” She knows a surprising number of states for someone so young. “Are we in Florida?” she says. “Oregon? Washington? Louisiana?” “Shh,” says her…