Tag: courage
May 10, 2022
A few months ago, I was lucky enough to have a conversation with Krista Tippett, and I keep thinking of a point she made: how in every book I’ve written there’s “some connection between animals and . . . human courage.” This painting (by the artist Noah Saterstrom) of me, my brother and Una, the…
April 6, 2021
“Baby Lincoln said that a good story had to have a main character who was full of both curiosity and courage.” I’ve thought a lot about Stella Endicott over the last year, how in a difficult situation, she reminds herself, again and again, to default to curiosity and courage. Stella Endicott and the Anything-Is-Possible Poem…
March 10, 2020
One of the great joys of writing fiction is finding characters who inspire me. To wit: Stella Endicott, who lives on Deckawoo Drive (near a certain pig). In June, Stella will have her own book: Stella Endicott and the Anything-is-Possible-Poem. One of the phrases that Stella repeats (often) within the confines of this story is…
January 3, 2017
I went to the bookstore to get some notebooks that I love—notebooks that I use to write down story ideas. I had a few story beginnings, and I wanted a place to put them. The beginning of a story is such a tenuous thing. It feels like I am holding something small and powerful in…