Tag: dad
June 13, 2023
Overheard on a recent walk: Father: My superpower? I don’t know, I guess I would say reliability. What about you? What’s your superpower? Daughter: Dad. Think about it. Father: I’m thinking. I’m thinking. Daughter: I learned to read this year. I can READ, Dad. That’s my superpower. I’ve been carrying those words around with me…
April 3, 2014
I read Kevin Henkes’ beautiful book The Year of Billy Miller over a month ago and I keep thinking about this one particular scene. Billy Miller is in second grade and he decides that maybe it’s time to stop calling his father “Papa” and staring calling him “Dad,” instead. He tells his father about his…
September 20, 2011
On Friday, I was behind a father and a son as they walked home together from the bus stop. At one point, the boy (seven or eight years old) stopped and held himself very still. He was staring into a patch of flowers–sunflowers and cosmos and black-eyed susans. His father kept walking. “Dad,” the boy…