Tag: door
September 14, 2022
“He watched the letters appear one by one beneath her hand, and he felt as if each letter were a door pushed open inside of him, a door that led to a lighted room.” Thank you, to everyone engaged in the sacred work of teaching someone to read. Thank you for opening doors that lead…
September 12, 2019
My copies of Beverly, Right Here arrived last week. As I’ve gone around putting Beverly’s story into Little Free Libraries, I’ve been thinking that this story is, for me, about community; about opening the door and letting people in. And so, it’s nice to think about someone opening the door on a Little Free Library…
April 5, 2016
I love Little Free Libraries. I love turning the knobs. I love opening the doors. I love anticipating the magic that waits inside. My copies of Raymie Nightingale came last week. And yesterday, I thought: I’m going to sign some of these books and put them inside Little Free Libraries here and there around the…
February 25, 2016
I am a big fan of to-do lists. I like getting things done. And my list is, for the most part, quotidian: write, exercise, grocery store, get stamps, vacuum. But there are a few odd things which show up on the list from time to time. For instance, “get elf door knocker” appears on my…
February 21, 2013
So, it was 10 degrees and dark and snowing and we had caravanned up north to the cabin only to discover that we had no key to the cabin. There were eight of us. There was a lot of digging in the snow, looking for mythical hidden keys. Window-breaking was considered. So was door-jamb busting.…