Tag: drawing
December 17, 2015
Kids often ask me if I illustrate my own books. My answer is usually something along the lines of “how I wish I could. Alas, I can’t draw my way out of a paper bag.” And I can’t draw. But yet, I love to doodle. I decided a couple of weeks ago to treat myself…
April 4, 2013
One of the best things about receiving a letter from a kid is that artwork often (usually) comes along with it. For instance, here is a picture of Edward Tulane with wings by a third-grader named Ian. I have had Ian’s art hanging in my office for the last month or so. Every time I…
January 20, 2011
I’ve been drawing robots a lot recently. An eight year old showed me how to do this. You pick a shape for the body (circle, square, rectangle, triangle), a shape for the head (any shape). You add the arms (pick a shape) and the legs (pick a shape, any shape!). According to the eight year…