Tag: dream
April 18, 2019
Speaking of dreams, one of my all time favorite short stories (Stephanie Vaughn’s “Dog Heaven”) starts with this sentence: “Every so often that dead dog dreams me up again.” I can’t possibly do this story justice. You need to read it for yourself. Suffice it to say, that the first lines of the story, and…
April 16, 2019
I dream about my characters when I’m working on a story; but when the story is done, I usually don’t dream about them again. Last night, however, I dreamed that I was holding a mouse in the palm of my hand. “Oh,” I thought. “It’s Despereaux. He’s going to tell me a story.” I woke…
October 30, 2018
“Dear Kate DiCamillo, Do you ever dream about the characters you make up? Because I keep dreaming about Edward when he has the wings in his dream (do you remember?) and it makes me happy every time I dream about him. From, Ellie” Dear Ellie, I do dream about the characters I make up. Usually,…
February 22, 2018
I dreamed a few nights ago that I was standing next to a famous writer. I can’t remember who the writer was; but in any case, I took her hand and said, “I have to tell you the truth. A single sentence of yours saved my life.” I remembered that dream this morning as I…
May 6, 2014
Last week, it rained all day long and all night, too. On Friday, the sun came out and I went to a dinner at the University of Minnesota. We were up high, in a room that looked out over the whole of Minneapolis. The sun lit up the buildings and turned them into the Emerald…