Tag: dreams
April 18, 2019
Speaking of dreams, one of my all time favorite short stories (Stephanie Vaughn’s “Dog Heaven”) starts with this sentence: “Every so often that dead dog dreams me up again.” I can’t possibly do this story justice. You need to read it for yourself. Suffice it to say, that the first lines of the story, and…
April 27, 2017
Why do I get up so early in the morning? This is a question that I ask myself often—usually when I’m standing in front of the coffee-maker, bleary-eyed and squinting into the grey light of dawn. I get up early so that I can write before I do anything else, before I can talk myself…
April 14, 2015
Some questions kids asked me in this week’s batch of letters: Do you live in a castle? Why did you make Edward have to wear a dress? When you dream, do you dream in color or black and white? How old are you? Can you write a book where Mercy Watson goes on vacation? What…
February 19, 2015
I’ve been having the most complicated dreams lately. They have been byzantine and mysterious, but also luminous—so much so that I feel, sometimes, as if I am standing in a river of light. It’s impossible to capture the dreams—to write them down or retell them. But I feel their presence every time I sit down…