Tag: flew
July 20, 2017
So . . . this is something that has never happened to me before. I almost walked right, directly into a hummingbird. I saw the glint of wings and I thought: oh, there is a dragonfly. My next thought was: that is a very big dragonfly. And then this hummingbird flew right past my face.…
May 9, 2017
I was standing on a friend’s back porch with my hand on the screen door, getting ready to open it and let two dogs outside to frolic in the backyard when suddenly the birds stopped singing and the trees held still. There came the powerful thump of wings. A red-tailed hawk flew right in front…
August 20, 2015
I was out walking the other morning. At one point, I intended to turn right. Instead, at the last minute, I turned left and just after I did, a red-tailed hawk went flying in front of me—so close that I could almost feel the heat of him. For the rest of the walk, I kept…
April 19, 2012
Last week, I was walking on the Greenway with Henry and a friend when a red-tailed hawk flew past. When the hawk saw Henry, he stopped and hovered, calculating. It was very clear that he thought Henry would be something good to eat. The hawk hung there for a few seconds, studying us; and then…