Tag: grief
May 17, 2023
At a signing last weekend at the Barnes and Noble in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, a nine-year-old girl came through the line with a well-read copy of Because of Winn-Dixie. I said, “It looks like you’ve read this before.” And she said, “I’ve read it 32 times.” “Good grief,” I said. “Why so many?” “You know…
October 6, 2011
He’s a black dog with a white patch on his chest. Someone found him, tag-less, on the side of the road in Kansas City, and he went from Missouri to Iowa to Minneapolis within a few days time. I went to meet him just as some friends were coming to pick him up and take…
January 6, 2011
And hey, as long as I’m hanging around the cedar chest, waiting for the daily lighting of the orange, I thought I would show you the object that sits beside the orange. It’s a sculpture of a woman playing a piano. I love it because it is reminds me that making something (music, a story,…