Tag: grocery
March 8, 2022
In the cereal aisle at the grocery store, a woman came up to me and said, “Can I tell you something?” I said, “Yes.” “I’m a fourth grade teacher and when I was in fourth grade my teacher read Because of Winn-Dixie to the class. My mother left the family when I was five, and…
December 21, 2021
In a far corner of the produce section at the grocery store: a child sitting cross-legged, head resting on her hands, book open in her lap, utterly engrossed in a story. It makes me so happy to see her there–reading amidst the bustle. I want to tell her she has given me a gift. But…
February 19, 2019
In the grocery store, in the snack aisle, I hear someone say, “Excuse me.” I turn around and there is a girl, seven or eight years old, looking up at me. “Hi,” I say. “I need to tell you that we read your book about Winn-Dixie and then we got a dog and the dog’s…
October 21, 2014
I was in the frozen food aisle, standing in a freezer, trying to reach the frozen blueberries (why is everything always so hard to reach?) when someone said, “Are you the person who wrote Because of Winn-Dixie?” I climbed out of the freezer and turned around and said, “Yes.” “I read that book when I…