Tag: heart
May 3, 2016
I was walking down by the creek, and saw the flash of a giant wing and my heart thought: oh, oh, oh, something wondrous. And it was. Something wondrous. A great blue heron. I moved closer, and he did not fly away. We stood together in silence for what seemed like a long time. These…
January 12, 2016
This is a picture of a little slope in my neighborhood that I have started to call Henry’s Hill. Two days before he died, Henry and I walked up this hill together. At the top, I let go of the leash and Henry ran down the hill ahead of me. We walked together through the…
March 5, 2015
I took this picture in Bellingham, Washington last Friday night. The great thing about traveling to a place you have never been before is that your eyes are open in a way they might not be at home. And your heart, too. It is like Seamus Heaney has it in his poem “Postscript:” “You are…
July 15, 2014
I was out walking yesterday and stopped to read a sign that someone had posted in their garden. The sign urged passersby to pick the berries in the yard to their “hearts content.” I looked around and saw that there were raspberries. I picked one. And then another and another. The sun beat down. A…