Tag: joy
January 21, 2020
I was standing out in front of my house, waiting for a friend, when a male cardinal flew right past me and landed in the crabapple tree. A few seconds later, the female landed on a branch beside the male. Two finches, both with red breasts, flew in. There were four birds in the branches…
June 28, 2018
How about joy? Books are joy. Reading is joy. Friends are joy. Coffee is joy. And dogs, of course. Dogs are joy incarnate. Reactions: 2.4K Comments: 62 Original Post
December 27, 2017
For every great good thing– for wonder and love and joy, for every answer and each question and all the hope and great delight, for one small star and that great big round moon. For every large heart– I thank you. Reactions: 1.4K Comments: 21 Original Post
June 20, 2017
I was cleaning out a desk drawer and came across this photograph of my mother on the beach with friends. That’s her on the left. My first thought when I saw the photo was: look at those beautiful young people! And my second thought was: oh, Mama, I have so much to tell you. And…
January 19, 2017
Words from the throes of puppy-dom: Everything about a dog is work. And yes, okay, joy. Both things in equal measure. No–not true. Look at that face! I have to say: joy is the greater of the two. Reactions: 889 Comments: 46 Original Post
January 28, 2016
I’ve always stopped to talk to dogs (and yes, cats, too) when I’m out on my walks. But since Henry died, I’ve gone out of my way to visit particular dogs and tell them hello. There is one dog who, when he sees me coming, flings his entire body straight up in the air. He…