Tag: lake
March 21, 2024
50 Trips Around the Lake, #5 last day of warning winter skips spring calls for summer buds still unburst observe lake free of ice where wind-swept water and sun, reflected, dance moon waxs gibbous above blue winter sky unperturbed by the wind but leaves piled loose and dry rattle and shake surprised they’re not frozen…
March 1, 2022
Early morning, up north at the cabin. Every time I look at this picture and see the trees, the lake, the moon, I think of a quote from E. B. White: “All I hope to say in books, all that I ever hope to say, is that I love the world.” Yes. That. Good morning.…
July 31, 2018
I watched the Blood Moon rise over a lake in Northern Minnesota. I was in a cabin filled with people (and dogs) I love. There was a fire in the fireplace. I thought: how many more full moons will I see rise? And then I thought: I’m seeing this one. Lucky me. Reactions: 1.3K Comments:…
February 20, 2018
I’ve been talking a lot of walks out on the lake. The wide-open vastness of it all is moving—it reminds me of just how small and alone I am. And then, too, there is the sky, which forms a blue bowl over the lake and makes me feel cradled, held, and not alone at all.…
August 25, 2015
Dispatch from the cabin: sunset on Round Lake. I look at this picture–at my friends—and I think: is all that light coming from the sun? Or is it emanating from those people gathered together? Both, I guess. There is always light to be seen if you look. And even more light to be found in…
November 26, 2013
November 24, 2013: Sunrise over Ten Mile Lake. Fire in the fireplace. Dog on the couch. Coffee in hand. Friends all around. These words are here, to remind myself: I was there. I am here. I am happy. Reactions: 340 Comments: 19 Original Post