Tag: letter
January 30, 2024
I received a letter from an eight year old who wanted me to know that her teacher read The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane aloud to the class. “And my teacher cried at the end and I told my mother about the book and now guess what? My mother is reading the book too! We…
November 1, 2022
I received this letter last week, and I don’t know how many times I’ve read it since then. These words are like a window; they let me see into the heart and mind of a young reader. And what I see gives me so much hope. Yes, Niki, there is kindness in the world. Thank…
September 14, 2022
“He watched the letters appear one by one beneath her hand, and he felt as if each letter were a door pushed open inside of him, a door that led to a lighted room.” Thank you, to everyone engaged in the sacred work of teaching someone to read. Thank you for opening doors that lead…
March 22, 2022
I’ve been thinking a lot about comfort lately—where to find it, how to give it. I recently received a letter from a fifth-grade teacher who said that she has always read aloud in the classroom; but that this year, she has doubled her read-aloud time. “The kids need the comfort of it, and I need…
October 19, 2021
When I’m asked to define myself, the first word that pops into my head is “reader.” Who am I? I am a reader. What do I do? I read. So when I opened a letter from Grayson (who is nine) and saw this glorious piece of art, I spoke aloud to it. “Yes!” I said,…
March 29, 2021
A letter I should have written 50 years ago: Dear Beverly Cleary, My mom got your book called Ribsy from the library and she read it out loud to me and my brother. Our dog, Nanette, listened to the whole story, too. There was one part where Ribsy has to dress up and wear a…