Tag: library
April 5, 2023
Yesterday, I walked past two kids standing in front of a Little Free Library. “Hmmm, let’s see,” said the older one. “This one is good. And so is this one.” He handed the younger kid two books. “Yeah,” said the younger one. “But I can’t read them.” “Duh, I know,” said the older one. “That’s…
June 26, 2019
In the signing line at the American Library Association conference in D.C., a librarian with paperbacks of Because of Winn-Dixie, The Tale of Despereaux and The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane: Me: Who are these for? The librarian: my daughter. Me: Great! How old is she? The librarian: Oh, she’s an adult. She read these…
June 20, 2019
I’m heading out to D.C. for the American Library Associations annual conference. And when I get home, I am going to sit on the front porch and read and read and read. Oh, lucky me. I never want to lose sight of what a privilege it is to have access to books. Thank you, librarians.…
April 4, 2019
I think I have been pretty straightforward about how much I love a Little Free Library. And now something wonderful has happened: the folks at Little Free Libraries have teamed up with Candlewick Press to make this wonderful (eep) Kate DiCamillo Little Free Library. You can win the Little Free Library and also a library…
July 3, 2018
“I spent a lot of time that summer at the Herman W. Block Memorial Library. The Herman W. Block Memorial Library sounds like it would be a big fancy place, but it’s not. It’s just a little old house full of books, and Miss Franny Block is in charge of them all. She is a…
April 26, 2018
Seen on a recent trip to Los Angeles: the words “When I got my library card that was when my life began” illuminating a side of the Central Library in downtown LA. Yes. Yes. These words are illuminated in my heart, too. Thank you libraries. Thank you librarians. Reactions: 2.3K Comments: 70 Original Post