Tag: lincoln
December 12, 2023
Wait! One more thing about the porcine wonder: I’ve signed copies of Mercy Watson is Missing, and I’m putting them in Little Free Libraries around the neighborhood. This fabulous art of a happy (!) Eugenia Lincoln is by the amazing Chris Van Dusen. Go see if you can locate that pig! Reactions: 2.1K Comments: 116…
April 5, 2022
A letter from Austin, who is in second grade and was told to write about his favorite Mercy Watson character: “I choose Baby Lincoln. Do you know why I choose Baby? Because she is happy. Do you know why she is happy? Because she loves Mercy Watson and also other people and that is why…
April 16, 2020
Here is a happy thing: I saw a child in a bike buggy go whizzing past me. The kid had on a helmet and was holding a book. The father was pedaling furiously. I thought: how great is that? Riding and reading. The father stopped the bike suddenly. He called out something to a neighbor.…
November 7, 2019
TWO EUGENIA STORIES At the Carle Museum on Saturday, a young girl came through the line and said: “I love that book about Eugenia Lincoln. Guess what I asked for after I read it?” “What?” I said. “An accordion,” she said. “You’re kidding! Did you get it?” “I did! I got an accordion.” “Tell her…
August 29, 2018
At the beginning of summer, I was in the grocery store (in the dairy aisle) when a woman came up to me and said, “Oh, I’ve been hoping I would run into you. I teach first grade and I have to tell you that on the last day of school, the kids and I were…
September 12, 2011
On Friday night, I was at the opening of the Children’s Theatre Company’s production of Mercy Watson to the Rescue; and there was this wonderful moment where Eugenia Lincoln was standing on stage, screaming for her cat General Washington, demanding that he come home. Eugenia Lincoln’s sister, Baby, suggests that maybe Eugenia should promise General…