Tag: love
December 5, 2017
Each time you lose a dog, you think: I can’t do it again. I won’t do it again. And then another dog comes along, and you do it again. You fall head-over-heels. You live in the richness, the craziness, the wonderfulness of the moment. You dwell in the sun-dappled certainty that this is forever. You…
May 1, 2014
What I love about spring is how you always have to pay attention. If you turn your back, close your eyes (even for one moment), something has happened. Everything has changed. Some new thing has unfurled. The last few lines of James Wright’s poem “A Blessing” are always in my head these days: “suddenly I…
April 10, 2012
I took this picture of a purple-blossomed tree because I wanted to show it to my mother. Spring was her favorite season. It is when I miss her most. The longer I am in the world, the more convinced I am that we see things best when we see them with somebody else. It is…