Tag: magical
February 6, 2024
I woke up the other morning worried and sad. I thought about Despereaux–that mouse who is afraid and small but still manages to do the impossible. How does he do it? Love, of course. Love, and stories. The mouse is captivated by the words “once upon a time.” They promise him something. They promise me…
February 9, 2023
“Magic is always impossible,” said the magician. “It begins with the impossible and ends with the impossible and is impossible in between. That is why it is magic.” Those words are from The Magician’s Elephant. When I typed them out, I was struck by the notion that you could substitute the word “writing” for magic…
February 13, 2020
I stepped out the door the other morning and saw these tiny footprints. My heart leapt up inside me and said: ooooh, something magical was here! I know that this was merely a squirrel, running through the snow on my back steps. I know it was not an elf. Any visitation is magical, is my…
February 6, 2020
Last week, I was vacuuming, and suddenly I felt the light shift. I looked up and out the window and saw that it was snowing—twirling, dancing flakes. The world was transformed. This is good for me to remember—how suddenly grey skies can shift, open and deliver something magical. Reactions: Carol Klapste and 2K others Comments:…
December 10, 2019
Yesterday, I was in the woods behind the Kentucky Star Motel and I came upon Christian Convery, the actor who is playing Rob Horton in the movie of The Tiger Rising. It’s an amazing thing—to tell a story that becomes a book. It’s astonishing, too, when people read the book and tell you that it…
July 20, 2017
So . . . this is something that has never happened to me before. I almost walked right, directly into a hummingbird. I saw the glint of wings and I thought: oh, there is a dragonfly. My next thought was: that is a very big dragonfly. And then this hummingbird flew right past my face.…