Tag: moon
January 31, 2023
A friend took this photo last month on the beach in South Carolina—that light to the right is the moon and the pinprick of light in the center is a planet and the beauty of it all undoes me every time I look at it. I keep the photo close by to remind me to…
November 22, 2022
Yesterday morning there was the prettiest little crescent moon hanging in the sky. I stared up at it and thought: how many beautiful things do I miss entirely? And then, on a walk, I passed a grandfather pushing a stroller. He, and the child in the stroller, were both singing “Love Me Do” at their…
February 1, 2022
Last week, I looked out the window as the sun was rising and saw the most perfect little moon hanging up in the sky. “Oh,” I said out loud. “I’m glad I got to see you.” I’m always rushing around, making lists, trying to get things done, but that morning I just stood still and…
October 5, 2021
Last week, I was on a walk in the early evening. A few crickets were still singing. The moon had risen. I walked past a group of people clustered together on the sidewalk. They were passing a baby around, taking turns kissing her feet. Every time a new person held her, kissed her, the baby…
February 18, 2020
Returning home last week, I looked out the window of an airplane and saw, in the darkness below us, a great, almost perfectly circular orange disc on the ground. What in the world was it? A molten lake? A UFO? A doorway to another world? I almost turned to the person sitting next to me…
October 29, 2019
On Saturday morning–after a week of running from one thing to the next, rushing, rushing, rushing—I came downstairs and looked out the dining room window and saw the moon (an elegant waning crescent) suspended above the trees. Oh, I thought, it’s so beautiful. And then I thought: I better get busy. But I didn’t get…