Tag: morning
October 17, 2013
It is 4 in the morning. October. Dark outside. I’m leaving for the airport soon. I just wanted to leave these words here before I go: Thank you. I can see the moon. Reactions: 223 Comments: 17 Original Post
September 20, 2012
It is dark, now, in the early mornings when I get up to write. And with the windows open, I can hear a lone cricket sing. He is singing to someone, calling out to them. That is what I am doing here, too. I chirp in the early morning dark. I call out to you.…
September 6, 2012
I have made a habit, in these last days of summer, of going out into the backyard as soon as it is light and looking at the morning glories. I don’t have many; but the ones I do have seem so brave and bright. They are intent only on being themselves. To stand beside them…
February 8, 2011
For almost sixteen years now, I’ve been doing what Julia Cameron (The Artist’s Way) calls “morning pages.” In the last few years, I have also taken to doing what I think of as “afternoon pages.” I use a different notebook. I think about the story that I am working on. And I write about it,…