Tag: nest
July 2, 2019
In a bush in front of my dining room window there is a cardinal nest. I can see the mother’s tail feathers as I type these words. The father cardinal (brilliant and self-important) flies in periodically to check on things. I’ve set up my workstation at the dining room table so I can watch the…
April 17, 2018
Not far from my house there is a very small tree with a very small nest high in its branches. Every time I walk past this tree, I think the same thing: let me be brave enough to build something. And then I think: let me be strong enough to stand and hold something small…
June 4, 2015
There’s an old light fixture attached to the back of my house, way up high, underneath the eaves, and every spring that I’ve lived here, a robin has built a nest on top of the fixture, and every year I feel lucky that it is happening again. In the morning, I go outside and look…
May 27, 2014
I’ve got a robin who built a nest on top of a broken light fixture at the back of my house. Every time I step out the door, I look up at her and she looks down at me. The robin’s look is a look of great intention. It is like she is saying, “I…