Tag: old
March 26, 2020
I’ve got an old tree that I go and visit every day now. I stand and look up into this tree’s branches and think: you have been here through World War I, the influenza pandemic of 1918, the Great Depression, World War II, polio, Viet Nam. And here you still stand. Every day that I…
March 26, 2013
I turned 49 yesterday. My feet hurt. My neck alarms me. I need glasses to read. So you can imagine how pleased I was to receive a letter from an “almost 10 year old” named Elaine who ended her missive to me with these words “I doubt you are writing another book because of you[r]…
January 3, 2012
I was twenty years old. I was working at Disney’s Epcot Center. I was walking down the exit ramp from Spaceship Earth amid a flow of people when a little girl, seven or eight years old, grabbed hold of my hand. She was talking about what she had seen on the ride (“And then there…
June 8, 2011
That picture I posted a few weeks ago of me in my Brownie uniform is from my second grade class picture. Mrs. Boyette was our teacher that year. She is standing at the back of the class beside a chalkboard with these words written on it: “Feb. 28. 1972. Be a Good Citizen. You don’t…