Tag: pages
September 13, 2018
I did an interview not that long ago which started with the interviewer saying, “You’re such a prolific writer.” I said, “Am I? Gosh, I never think of myself as prolific.” “How do you think of yourself then?” “Slow,” I said. “I think of myself as a very slow writer.” * This morning I came…
September 10, 2013
Two summers ago, I was working on the rewrites for Flora and Ulysses. I worked by doing lots of small sessions all day long. I started early in the morning at the table on the front porch; and then, once the sun was up and the world was awake, I moved to my desk. Late…
August 20, 2013
I’ve been working on a novel for a while now. Actually, what I’ve been doing is wrestling with a novel. Last month, I sat and thought about what the novel needed and what I needed and how we could stop the wrestling and move forward. The answer I came up with was that I had…
February 8, 2011
For almost sixteen years now, I’ve been doing what Julia Cameron (The Artist’s Way) calls “morning pages.” In the last few years, I have also taken to doing what I think of as “afternoon pages.” I use a different notebook. I think about the story that I am working on. And I write about it,…