Tag: pig
December 12, 2023
Wait! One more thing about the porcine wonder: I’ve signed copies of Mercy Watson is Missing, and I’m putting them in Little Free Libraries around the neighborhood. This fabulous art of a happy (!) Eugenia Lincoln is by the amazing Chris Van Dusen. Go see if you can locate that pig! Reactions: 2.1K Comments: 116…
December 5, 2023
Meet Percival Smidgely. He is the private detective who has been charged with finding the missing pig, Mercy Watson. Will he succeed? Will Mercy Watson be found? Is toast involved? What about butter? And what does that pigeon behind Percival Smidgely have to do with the missing pig? All will be revealed—maybe. Mercy Watson is…
July 18, 2023
FAVORITE QUESTION OF THE WEEK I was walking in the neighborhood when a woman shouted from her front porch, “Kate! My daughter is a huge Mercy Watson fan and she wanted to ask you a question. Can you wait a minute?” “Yes,” I said. I stood on the sidewalk and watched as a very young…
April 12, 2023
A young reader named Grace wrote to tell me that “the pig books” make her happy because whenever she reads them to her mom, it makes her mother laugh “soooooooooo” hard. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me—to think of a mother and daughter reading together, laughing together. Thank you, Grace. Thank you,…
February 14, 2022
Is it odd to be thinking about Christmas on Valentine’s Day? Maybe. But Chris Van Dusen has made the beautiful, heartfelt art for A Very Mercy Christmas—it will make you fall in love with the world. And with the pig. Coming this fall. Yippie-i-oh! As Leroy Ninker would say. Reactions: 4.5K Comments: 336 Original Post
January 25, 2022
To the Mercy Watson-loving students who sent me a “pig rubber ducky:” Ramona has found there is a lot of comfort in having a pig in her life. I have found the same thing, too. Thank you, from both of us. Reactions: 5.2K Comments: 66 Original Post