Tag: poem
August 5, 2020
I received this Edward Tulane art over 13 years ago. I taped it up in the closet in my office. I see it every time I open the door to get out more paper, pens, the postal scale. I don’t know if you can read the writing above the drawing. It says: “When he flys”…
June 30, 2020
I woke up the other morning in need of comfort. I thought about Stella Endicott and Horace Broom and went in search of this illustration by Chris Van Dusen. In Stella Endicott and the Anything-Is-Possible Poem, Stella and Horace are in the dark, alone. Stella and Horace are not friends, but they hold hands; they…
May 7, 2020
I’ve been thinking for a while that I would like to tuck a poem into the knotholes and hollows of my favorite trees, as a gift for the tree and a gift for whoever might walk by. Yesterday, I did just that. I tucked some words from Rumi in a tree. I felt wings inside…
April 23, 2020
A poem someone wrote on the sidewalk: I can’t wait to hug you again It is a poem we all know by heart. We are all poets now. Reactions: 2K Comments: 21 Original Post
March 10, 2020
One of the great joys of writing fiction is finding characters who inspire me. To wit: Stella Endicott, who lives on Deckawoo Drive (near a certain pig). In June, Stella will have her own book: Stella Endicott and the Anything-is-Possible-Poem. One of the phrases that Stella repeats (often) within the confines of this story is…
November 20, 2019
One of my favorite Robert Frost poems is “Flower-Gathering.” It’s one of the few poems that I have by heart. For the past week and a half, I’ve been walking around the house muttering the same two lines of the poem over and over: “Do you know me in the gloaming/gaunt and dusty grey with…