Tag: prophecy
March 22, 2023
This is the first sentence of The Beatryce Prophecy: “Answelica was a goat with teeth that were the mirror of her soul—large, sharp, and uncompromising.” I am happy to say that the story of the uncompromising goat, and the courageous girl will be available in a beautiful paperback edition on March 28th. In the meantime,…
February 15, 2022
Nick, who is in the fifth grade, finished reading The Beatryce Prophecy. He didn’t want the story to end. He asked his mother if she could get a message to me. Nick wanted there to be a companion book—one with Jack Dory at the center. He suggested the title: The Jack Dory Chronicles. I have…
November 24, 2021
We’re excited to share that THE BEATRYCE PROPHECY is one of the Amazon Books editors’ Best Books of 2021 – and it’s on a billboard in NYC! See the full list here: https://amzn.to/3EoziZv Reactions: 5K Comments: 214 Original Post
September 28, 2021
I knew from a very young age that the written word was something I needed, but yet I struggled to learn to read. It was my mother who led me through the struggle, who held up words on flashcards for me to memorize, who believed in me. Words—the power and privilege of reading and writing—are…
September 23, 2021
The Beatryce Prophecy goes on-sale next Tuesday, September 28th! DON’T FORGET TO PRE-ORDER your signed copy through one of the participating independent bookstores – retailers are happy to ship to out of area customers as well! Check locations map here: https://bit.ly/3ed7XyT Reactions: 258 Comments: 13 Original Post
September 21, 2021
There is a moment in The Beatryce Prophecy when Beatryce goes out into the world to confront those who have wronged her and to claim who she is. It is a moment that Sophie Blackall captures beautifully in her art. Why do I write books for children? Because to write about one small girl’s bravery…